Inspections | ICH

Mechanical and electrical inspections | maintenance | servicing

As the operator, you naturally want your system to produce with high efficiency and process capability.
Of course, this also means that you need to be informed about the current condition of the system.
This is an essential basis for making decisions on repairs, modernisation or regular inspection or testing intervals for your systems or system components.

The topic of preventive or predictive maintenance is also becoming increasingly important.

But what exactly needs to be done? What options are there?

We will be happy to support you with important maintenance issues or advise you on the options for keeping your machines and systems at the highest level of process capability.

Your scope of services:
  • Advice on the maintenance and servicing of your system
  • Development of maintenance and servicing plans, taking into account your requirements and experience
  • Carrying out mechanical and electrical inspections
  • Development of a spare parts management system (availability, warehousing and stocking of raw and spare parts from manufacturers, co-operation partners and suppliers)
Employee safety:
  • Identification of safety deficiencies
  • Elimination of safety deficiencies
  • Reduction of accident risks
Process safety:
  • Ensuring productivity, availability and output of the system through regular inspections and repairs