Instruction | Training | Workshops

Instruction | Training | Workshops General

Instruction and training are very important and always a "win-win" situation for the employer and employees.

On the one hand, as an employer or supervisor of a department, you are legally obliged by the Occupational Health and Safety Act (ArbSchG) to provide regular instruction. But this is not the only aspect that should be considered.

Offering training measures is a sign of appreciation towards your employees. And, of course, you also benefit from this.

Trained staff who know their tasks and the workstations or systems they work on in detail work more efficiently and with greater concentration. As a result, you benefit from increased productivity and plant availability, while at the same time reducing the risk of accidents.

  • Training of skilled labour - building up knowledge and "know-how" in the company
  • Increasing the productivity of your employees
  • Increasing the availability of your systems
  • Increase in employee satisfaction
  • Increasing the "team spirit" through employee collaboration in workshops
  • Reducing the risk of accidents
  • Minimise downtime, expenses and costs through in-house training
  • Appreciation and recognition by the employer
  • Building up
  • of more knowledge and "know-how" - expert knowledge
  • Building employee self-confidence
  • Enables the personal development of employees
Process reliability::
  • Ensuring productivity and availability by applying what has been learnt in day-to-day work
Legal certainty::
  • Ensuring and providing evidence of regular instruction in accordance with Section 12 of the German Occupational Health and Safety Act (ArbSchG)
Your scope of services
  • Carrying out basic training in the following areas:
  • Regular instruction of employees (tailored to the working environment and area of application)
  • Introduction to press technology - basics and functional principles
  • Safe set-up and operation of press systems
  • Safe and sustainable maintenance of press systems
  • Training specially tailored to your machinery and production/maintenance requirements
  • Employees receive a certificate of attendance after the training course and a possible examination

Feel free to contact us. We will prepare a non-binding offer for you.